Google 'Mistakenly' Sends Rs 2 Crore To Hacker's Account - JBDXpress

Google 'Mistakenly' Sends Rs 2 Crore To Hacker's Account, Then…

2 crore was transferred to the bank account of a self-proclaimed hacker. American cyber security professional named Sam Curry said that Google has mysteriously sent two and a half million US dollars (more than 2 crore rupees in Bangladeshi currency) to his account. But for several weeks he could not understand anything about the secret of so much money.

Last Wednesday (September 14), the hacker wrote on Twitter, 'It's been almost three weeks since Google sent me 249,999 US dollars. Do you know how to contact Google? And if you (Google) don't want to take it back, that's fine.'

Sam Curry, a security engineer at Yuga Labs in the United States, suspects that this huge amount of money may have been sent to his account by mistake. 

A spokesperson for Google recently told the media NPR, 'Our team recently mistakenly sent money to another place. However, work is underway to quickly intervene in this matter and correct the mistake.

Sam told Marketwatch, a provider of financial information, business news, analysis and stock market data, on Friday (September 16) that 'Google may contact me to withdraw that huge sum of money from my bank account. I want to go to the bank and return that money to them.'

Source: Indian Times