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Russia in military crisis

 Russia in military crisis

Seven months into the Russian invasion of Ukraine, the army is in crisis. The country has already lost many soldiers in the war.

Russia in military crisis - JBDXpress

Besides, the number of injured is not less. Some have fled from the battlefield. Therefore, the country has started collecting troops through mobile special trucks. Contractual appointments are being made in the military with the lure of attractive salaries and various benefits. Al Jazeera news.

Various western intelligence agencies claim that at least 80,000 Russian soldiers died in the war. Many others were injured. In addition, cases of surrender or escape have also occurred. And that created the army crisis.

Russia needs more troops on the battlefield. That is why the recruitment of soldiers is going on through mobile recruiting trucks. Calling the invasion of Ukraine a 'special military operation', citizens are being called to join the army on three- to six-month contracts. The salary is estimated at about three thousand dollars; Which is three times more than normal.

Sergei Ardasev, head of Russia's Selection Point for Military Service, said, "We are considering all Russian and foreign citizens between the ages of 18 and 60 for military service. We consider him suitable if he has passed at least higher secondary. Basically patriotic citizens are being elected. They will be contracted for three to six months for special military operations. Aspirants will have to undergo mental test first. After that there will be physical examination in three stages.

Many Russian citizens have already responded to the government's call. Viktor Yakunin, an army recruit, said, "Since childhood, I had a dream to serve in the army." Currently I am a musician. However, now I am interested in this contract work in Russian armed forces. I have already collected the documents. From childhood, my parents taught me to love my motherland.

However, the Kremlin has not directly acknowledged the troop crisis.